On 14 June 2017, a fire - deemed the most deadliest structural fire since 1988 - spread through the 23-storey Grenfell Tower council housing block in West London – situated just 30km from the Khalsa Aid head office. 72 people died that night, more than 70 were injured and 223 narrowly escaped.
Khalsa Aid were on site since the morning of the tragic fire at Grenfell Tower offering support and aid to the residents who fled from their homes that night, with no possessions other than the clothes they were wearing. Khalsa Aid continued to provide assistance which was largely focused on the children of the affected families. This was done alongside the “Kids on the Green” community program.
Khalsa Aid was one of the first on the scene and we immediately provided water, snacks and sanitary items alongside local businesses in the community. We were also able to supply hot food on site.
Khalsa Aid General Secretary, Bal K Sandhu, who is also a Diabetes clinician with the local NHS trust, assisted people with their diabetes medications and care, on the morning of the fire.
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