


Your donation towards Khalsa Aid International is instrumental in supporting our humanitarian projects around the world. You can use the methods below to donate:

Donations within UK are tax-exempt through Registered Charity Number: 1163294. Click here to download the Gift Aid form (UK Only). Please post us the completed form.

The safest way to donate to Khalsa Aid is through on line payment or by cheque. If you are approached for a cash donation for Khalsa Aid please contact us, as this may be fraudulent. All Khalsa Aid fundraising activities are listed on this website.

Where are you donating from

By Cheque

Please write the cheque payable to Khalsa Aid International and post it to…

Khalsa Aid International, Unit 8, Lake End Court, Taplow Road, Taplow, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 0JQ, England

By Bank Transfer

Use the details below to donate via your bank account

Account Name: Khalsa Aid International

Currency: GBP

For local UK deposits

Bank: Barclays
Sort Code: 20-78-58
Account Number: 20209171

Currency: GBP

For international transfers

Please use SWIFT code BUKBGB22
IBAN: GB95 BUKB 2078 5820 2091 71


Currency: USD

For international transfers

Please use SWIFT code BUKBGB22
IBAN: GB75 BUKB 2078 5868 1364 55