
Panjab Floods 2022


Heavy rainfalls tore through Pakistan, and the district of Sri Muktsar Sahib and regions of Fazilka in Panjab. Killing over 220 people and injuring 3,858, these floods were deemed the deadliest since 2010. Those who survived were left homeless and financially in peril as they watched flood waters sweep away houses, farmland and livestock.

How we have helped

Within first phase of relief, Khalsa Aid assisted the suffering population by providing water-retrieving machines on an urgent basis for almost 2 months. Fogging machines were utilised to rid of mosquito infestation.

In the second phase of relief, food security was of utmost concern. Ration kits were swiftly delivered, farming land dewatered and fertiliser was provided.

Areas of impact

Clean water

Targeting other relief needs for the affected population, Khalsa Aid endured defogging processes, and provided 3000 litres of filtered water per day alongside filtered drinking water for almost 2 months in two villages of the region.


400-500 acres of farming fields were waterlogged after a long week of heavy rainfall. Khalsa Aid provided 5 water retrieving machines and instantly deployed them. The project expanded day-by-day, with 11 requests filing in from neighbouring villages in the Sri Muktsar Sahib district.

bangladesh refugee relief

UN Sustainable Development Goals

This project supports the achievement of the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:

01. No Poverty
03. Good health and well-being
06. Clean water and sanitation
07. Affordable and clean energy