Over the course of a decade, Khalsa Aid’s long-term development project Water4Africa has provided clean, accessible water to over 78,000 people. With already over 75 sustainable water sources installed in The Gambia, Zambia, Malawi and Kenya, the project catalyses positive change in remote rural communities across Africa and opens doors for further educational opportunities and food security.
In addition to existing work in Africa, Khalsa Aid's Pad the Path initiative, initiated in 2019, addresses the pressing need for menstrual and puberty education among girls in Sub-Saharan Africa. This vital program promotes female hygiene and simultaneously empowers young women with essential knowledge, confidence, resources – providing over 800 sustainable kits thus far. It has benefited over 1,800 young women – including students and teachers.
Langar Aid Khalsa Aid's flagship project based in the UK, is dedicated to providing nourishment for the homeless and vulnerable populations across the country. Its work extends beyond the UK, providing crucial support to Khalsa Aid’s international relief missions. As well as serving up to 4,000 meals a week through a free-soup kitchen, Langar Aid also focuses its efforts on building strong, enduring communities by consistently nurturing service users and providing door-to-door deliveries for those in worse-off circumstances.
Focus Punjab is an ongoing project we have of improving the life of people in Punjab who live in dire poverty and suffering hardship.